Saturday, September 27, 2014

NRG Craggin Classic 2014

I took this picture of the longest single arch bridge in the western hemisphere in like …2008.  When I went to the New River Gorge with my Mom and took way better pictures with my super cool red digital camera than I did this time with my expensive grown up camera.

I took exactly no good pictures of the bridge or the mountains this weekend.  Here are two with unfortunate lighting that are the best I could do.

The path home from Fayetteville Station.  We squished a penny on the tracks!

But I took some better climbing pictures

Andrew looking zen before the One, Two Punch! (aka One, Two, Double Dyno in Andrew speak)

Melise figuring out beta on Black

Andrew off the deck on Sunshine Arete, starting the send train in some cray Tenaya demo shoes

Juliet finishing strong on Way of the Gun
A lot of the boulders at the New were really big and had low angle slabs up top, which seemed scary and cool.

I wrote the beginning of this post right after coming home from West Virginia, but unfortunately didn't finish it until now, after my surgery.  So real quick: The Craggin Classic was  awesome.  I would love to go again; it was full of good friends and nice people.  Matt Wilder gave a really interesting slideshow that was really inspiring.  I never knew how crazy strong he is and how much he likes to dress up.  A bunch of companies were there to demo gear and put things in the silent auction (I won some stuff!!  For $41 and some begging I left the silent auction with a Misty Mountain "mini fashion chalk bag", Misty shirt, a gear loop from Neon Climbing, a Petzl climbing dvd, and so much J-tree that my lips will never be chapped again and I have no excuse for rough hands ever.)  I was super psyched to demo approach shoes since I couldn't climb, but no companies had approach demo shoes small enough for me :(  But no worries!  Because Andrew demoed so many climbing shoes and I tried a bunch on before we left for the day.

Overall: fun times, gear, lovely people, awesome place, you should go!

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